Angie Yin is a nationally board certified and Washington State licensed practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She received her clinic education in the U.S., as well as at the most prominent medical schools and hospitals in China, where she received advanced hands-on training in acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments associated with respiratory disease, autoimmune disorders, gastroenterology, hepatology, nephrology, rheumatology, geriatrics, infertility and gynecology. Angie Yin has completed clinical internships at the following medical centers and hospitals
Angie Yin is a preferred provider, frequently referred and recommended by other medical professionals in Bellevue and Greater Seattle. Throughout her clinical experience with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Angie specifically targets pain management and gynecology, as well as general practice with a holistic approach, using the least invasive modalities. She has seen a wide variety of clinic cases and provided her patients with safe and professional care. Angie applies firm and gentle acupuncture techniques to ease needle-sensitive patients, which makes treatments an ultimate pleasure. Her patients range from ages 3 to 90 years old.
Angie used to be a part of the volunteer acupuncture team for Bastyr University at the Seattle Annual Marathon where she worked one-on-one with athletes and runners by helping them to restore energy and relieve muscular soreness and fatigue.
Angie encourages her patients to take a proactive role in their own health care by achieving well-being in both spiritual and physical states. She dedicates her professional career towards this concept as she profoundly believes the power of a positive attitude has a great contribution towards one’s health, which she’d love to share and pass on to her patients.
Outside of work, Angie enjoys quality time with her family, walks her German shepherd dog, Husky, and some outdoor hobbies.